Change User's Email

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Change User's Email

Post by acomire »

I understand the reasoning behind not being able to change a person's email from the administrator's site, but I also see the need for it. As an administrator of my own league, I should be able to fully manage the players in my league. That being said, here is my issue.

I have a player who has a new email address. They no longer have access to their old email address. I instructed the user to log in and change their email and they did. Now their user record shows Email, New Email and Confirmation. I checked with the user and they did not receive a confirmation to their new email address and I am hoping that if a confirmation was sent, it was not sent to their old email. Like I said, they no longer have access to their old email address.

What does an Administrator do in this situation?

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Re: Change User's Email

Post by JGuay »


Sorry for the inconveniences about changing your player EMail. In normal time, people should have access to their old email account before changing their informations.

But, we are also aware that this is not always the case. If this case should happen again. Just send us a support message (by clicking the support tab and then the contact us link in StatsGenie's website.) mentioning the player for which we must change the email address.

In your case, we were already able to find and replace the email of the player appearing in your screenshot.

Have a nice day!
Julien Guay

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