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Create a widget for external use

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 11:12 am
by JGuay
It is possible to create widgets in order to publish StatsGenie's informations on your website.

The pages you can use to create widgets are:
  • - Rankings
  • - Tournaments
  • - Individual Statistics
  • - Player Vs Player
In all of these pages, you should be able to see a gear icon to the right of the page's title.
Gear Icon.png
Gear Icon.png (7.88 KiB) Viewed 163249 times
Once you clicked the gear icon, you should see the following popup window:
Widget Popup.png
Widget Popup.png (27.94 KiB) Viewed 163249 times
In this window, you can edit the style of the page in order for it match your external website. By default, all StatsGenie's style are applied on the widget.
Once you are done, click on the button at the bottom of the popup to get a preview of the widget you just created. The preview will appear in a new tab in your browser, keeping your style informations intact if you need to edit some styles.

When you are done, just copy the url of the preview tab and use it in your external website (in an iFrame for example).