Extra points for participating

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Extra points for participating

Post by Smort78 »

I'm about to start a season with 16 tournaments, where the top 10 tournaments for each player will count in the total.
Is there a way to add extra points for every tournament a player have played?

Adding the points in Tornament Director will only work if a player plays up to 10 tournaments, and I want it to be extra profitable to play 11-16 tornaments (I know it is profitable anyways since you can get a higher score).

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Re: Extra points for participating

Post by StatsGenie »

There is no current way of doing this.

If you are using TD or Dr.Neau to log your tournaments you can set your "Ranking Method" to manual in StatsGenie and it will import the points as calculated with your tournament manager. I know both offer ways to create custom ranking methods based on parameters so you could give every player a XXXpts + (Ranking Method), where XXX is a bonus for each game played.

Otherwise, some ranking methods give points to all players based on position, thus players playing more tournaments automatically get more points...

Let me know if you need more help

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