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Column Sorting Not Working

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:43 pm
by Supersonics
I'm passing this on from someone in my league: "It seems like the sorting on the columns doesn't actually work. Example, if you want to sort by net gain - it seems like the button you are clicking is doing something, but at least in Chrome, it doesn't actually re-sort the column."

I agree with this observation above, the sorting has never worked for me. Maybe we're doing something wrong? I know I can always export to excel and view data there.

Another sorting issue I have noticed is when I try to sort Tournaments, I click on the '2' to goto the next page, and the sort does something really strange.

Bottom line: More and more players in my league are starting to check out their stats regularly on StatsGenie and they really enjoy the software.


Re: Column Sorting Not Working

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 9:52 pm
by StatsGenie

First off... yeah, our lists are a bit outdated, we might work on this in a not so near/far future :D

This being said, the sort "does" work, but it is a bit un-user friendly!

It is a "multi-column" sort, so if you click on another column, it will add it to the previously sorted columns as an additional "tie breaker", for the most part, probably does not change anything if you do not have ties... (ie: adding a sort on Knockouts when the first sort is by Points and average position will most likely change nothing)

To make it work, you need to unselect previously sorted columns (greyed columns) by clicking the header until there is no more arrow... Once none of your columns are sorted, if you click a header, it should sort correctly.

Also, as an admin, you can setup default sort order for your rankings
- Manage Leagues
- Select your league (and no season to change for all seasons)
- Click on Rankings management
- Select the ranking you wish to edit
- Click on column headers to update the default sort order, you should si Numbers besides the sort arrows indicating sort priority.
- By default, rankings are sorted by Total Points Descending / Average Position ascending

As for page changes, I have not reproduced the error, so if you have more information, don't hesitate

Re: Column Sorting Not Working

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 11:13 pm
by Supersonics
Thanks Martin! I will test out the sorting per your instructions and get the word out.
Much appreciated!