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Different Rankings Per Season?
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:23 am
by dullgeek
I'm trying to replicate some of the functionality that I had in V2 in V3 and struggling. Our league has changed ranking over the years. It started off using a point system that only counted the entire year. But then this year, we transitioned to a quarter system, in addition to a yearly system. That helped us keep people involved throughout the entire year. Also we changed the start date of our season this year, so this year we only have 3 quarters and next year we will have four.
I can't seem to set up rankings management in V3 the way that I could in V2. In V2 I could create a ranking and then apply it to the group level setting that was associated with each season. In that way we could leave in place the rankings that applied to last season, while creating a new ranking system that applies to this season, and a 3rd ranking system that will apply to next season.
I can't figure out how to do this equivalent in V3, and would appreciate some help.
Re: Different Rankings Per Season?
Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:15 pm
by dullgeek
I should mention, I think, that I'm trying to do this in a test league before I import my current league from V2 to V3.
Re: Different Rankings Per Season?
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 10:38 am
by StatsGenie
You can change ranking method by season by doing the following:
- Click on 'Manage Leagues'
- Select league & season from the 'Manage Leagues' dropdowns
- Click on edit season 'pencil' button
- Select 'Default Settings' tab
- Specify if your rankings settings should use league params or not.
- Change your ranking method.
For your other settings, if you had sublevels (ie: other than league / seasons) to manage your quarters, this is not available yet. Next release that should be out this week offers a new way to group your stats by season. You will be able to add Stats Groups and assign tournaments / awards to different stats groups as needed. With this scenario, you could have a full year season and define quarters in "Stats Groups".
I will give more information on this new functionality once it's out.
Hope this helps.
Re: Different Rankings Per Season?
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:18 pm
by dullgeek
Ok. I see now that I can change ranking method per season. But it sounds like you're saying that in V3 I can't currently have all 4 of the below scenarios in place, although it's coming. Am I understanding you correctly or am I misunderstanding what you're telling me?
Scenario 1) Applies to 1 season (2011-12)
All points from all tournaments count towards yearlong ranking
Scenario 2) Applies to 2 seasons (2012-13, 2013-14)
All points from top 10 tournaments count towards yearlong ranking
Scenario 3) Applies to 1 season (2014-15)
All points from all tournaments count towards yearlong ranking
All points from months 1-3 count towards Q1 rankings
All points from months 4-6 count towards Q2 rankings
All points from months 7-9 count towards Q3 rankings
Scenario 4) Will apply to all seasons going forward until we change it (2015-16)
All points from top 10 tournaments count towards yearlong ranking
All points from months 1-3 count towards Q1 rankings
All points from months 4-6 count towards Q2 rankings
All points from months 7-9 count towards Q3 rankings
All points from months 10-12 count towards Q4 rankings
Re: Different Rankings Per Season?
Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:30 pm
by dullgeek
A couple of other questions on rankings:
- When I import from V2 to V3 will my rankings be imported as well?
- Since the way of applying these rankings to seasons is different in V3, I assume that the application of rankings to seasons won't import and that I'll have to manually set that up. Is that correct?
Part of the reason that I haven't imported my league is that I had actually previously imported it, and some people in our league started getting event invitations from V3 rather than V2. And it was very confusing, so I just deleted the league in V3 that had been imported from V2. Otherwise, I'd try the import again and see what it looks like. But I want to avoid the strange invitation issue.
Re: Different Rankings Per Season?
Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 11:20 pm
by dullgeek
Ok. So I see the new "grouping option" in the Edit Season menu. And I see that when I import a tournament, I can assign it to a grouping.
So i get how this works. But it strikes me as more hassle than the way it worked in V2. I liked the idea of setting a ranking and then applying that ranking to a season. So for example I could say that the Q1 Q2 & Q3 rankings applied to season 2014-15 & 2015-16 but not any seasons before that. And I could say that Q4 ranking applied to 2015-16 but not any before that. With this new way, every year I have to add Q1, Q2, Q3 & Q4 to each new season. Maybe this could be in the league settings, and then be an option in each season to "use league settings"... ?
In any case, this does allow me to do what I was doing in V2. So thanks!
Re: Different Rankings Per Season?
Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:53 pm
by StatsGenie
thank you for the comment, we have added this to our todo list to make dynamic rankings available by season (as in v2).
As you said, in the meantime you can always use the new "grouping" option. We will make it easier to manage over time also
Re: Different Rankings Per Season?
Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 3:15 pm
by StatsGenie
Hi, the possibility to manage Rankings by Season is now available since v3.01:
- SGv3.png (146.13 KiB) Viewed 26396 times
Re: Different Rankings Per Season?
Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:05 am
by dullgeek
Very nice! I look forward to testing this out shortly.