Two questions about Rankings

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Two questions about Rankings

Post by MolecularJJ »


Great job on the new version. It is all looking good and my (almost) 7 years of stats have been imported without a hitch.

Two questions about rankings:

1. How can you filter rankings to exclude players, for example, that have played less than X tournaments? In v2 it was just a matter of adding the filter at the bottom of the rankings page. I can't seem to find the equivalent in v3.

2. How can I export my rankings tables? Again, this was just a matter of pressing "export" in the previous version, but I can't figure out how to do it here.


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Re: Two questions about Rankings

Post by StatsGenie »


glad to hear you like the new version!

1. To exclude players, you need to set this at the league or season level (Default Settings) by doing the following:
- Click on the "Manage Leagues" tab
- Select League or season and click on the pen to edit settings
- Click on "Default Settings" tab under "Edit League"
- Set the "Ranking Constraint", "Percentage to be ranked" and / or Top X Tournament
- Save
- This should be applied to all your rankings of modified league or season.

2. This is not available yet in v3 Beta because we wanted a whole new reporting system... But we will make the Excel export in the meantime and it should be out shortly.

Hope this helps, Let us know if you need more help

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Re: Two questions about Rankings

Post by MolecularJJ »

Thanks for the quick reply.

So there is no way to bring up a rankings table for all players across all leagues and filter out those players with less than X tournaments? I currently use such a table in v2 as a sort of Career Stats output, but I need to remove the players that haven't played as much (<20 tournaments in my case) to make the table meaningful.

Thanks for the feedback on the export development.

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Re: Two questions about Rankings

Post by StatsGenie »


players playing in multiple leagues have this option by using filters (ie: My Leagues or custom filters to select only specific leagues).

If a player has a filter of 3 leagues and each league has specific conditions to be ranked (% to be ranked, top x tournaments) the check is made for every league. So if you haven't played enough in league 1, you will see your stats for league 2 and 3 (Even though you have played enough in league 1+2+3). Same goes for Top x tournaments. If you set Top X tournaments to 10 and have 3 leagues, you will have a grouping of max 30 tournaments per player.

This goes the same for "All seasons" vs "Specific Season" vs Season ranking parameters.

Not sure if my explanations make sense :)

We might evaluate a new "Grouping" option that would create a custom filter with custom parameters to override the default settings. This would also allow a league admin to "push" a custom filter to all league members.

Just not sure yet if there is demand for such a feature as grouping multiple league data is already available (at player level).

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