Exclude "guest" from rankings

Please post all comments and suggestions on the new (or modified) features you wish to see in StatsGenie v3
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Beer Hand
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Exclude "guest" from rankings

Post by LPSJack »

With our club, we allow guests to play 2 tournaments before deciding to join. As such, we sometimes get guests in the rankings--especially early in the season. It would be a great feature if there was a simple checkbox for the player that would exclude them from the rankings. If they join, un-ticking the box would restore their score.

Also, curious since 2.x and 3 will run concurrently, will data from 2.x be transferred into 3 or will it be starting fresh?

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Re: Exclude "guest" from rankings

Post by StatsGenie »

Hi, thank you for the comment, we have added this to our todo list.

as for v2 vs v3 data, initial v3 database will include all players, so your player's login information stays intact. Afterwards, all newly created players from v2 will be synchronized with v3 automatically (Newly created players in v3 will not be synched back to v2)

The v3 database will start fresh for all leagues, seasons, tournaments etc... including player security and league access.

On your v3 account "Main Menu", there will be an "Import from StatsGenie v2" option with a wizard to import the desired levels to new v3 format (Only if you are administrator of at least 1 v2 organization level).

There will be granular import functionality also (ex: import only selected tournaments from v2 org Level x to v3 Season x), this will be usefull for users continuing to use v2 and v3 while testing v3.

The import wizard is in development, when we have more information, we will let you know.

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